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Aquarius Season: Hope and Community

In this season, we find the courage to be our full self, to stand by our values and beliefs, especially when they go against the grain or what is expected of us. It's in this authenticity that we find our true hope—hope that acts like a guiding light in the darkest of times, leading us towards a future that aligns with who we really are.

And as we each walk this path of authenticity, we naturally connect with others on similar journeys, creating a network of support, understanding, and shared aspirations. Our visions may be nurtured by our individual talents, but it is only through each other that we can live the potential of our dreams.

The Journey from Saturn to Uranus

This marriage of discipline and creativity is a cornerstone of the Air sign’s genius, reminding us that the kind of changes that last, are those that are built on solid ground.

The Uranian ethos, infused with Saturn's wisdom, helps us value not just independence, but also the responsibility we hold towards our communities. This is a time to question and redefine the structures we live by, not to dismantle them for the sake of rebellion, but to evolve them in ways that better serve all of us.

Indeed, the challenges of a harsh winter may show us that what we thought we could depend on, is no longer working and must be changed in order to survive. Aquarius season, therefore, becomes a bridge between the old and the new, honoring the past's lessons, while boldly stepping into the future.

Mythology and Symbols

Divine wisdom, Rule-bending, Community power

In many Eastern cultures, Aquarius is visualized not as a person pouring water, but as the vessel itself – a giant pot or a pitcher in the sky, overturned and ever flowing. This symbol also acts like a call to action.

For example, in Vedic astrology, Aquarius (known as 'Kumbha' in Sanskrit) is symbolized by a pot that holds the nectar of immortality. This pot, or pitcher, is not just a container but a source of spiritual nourishment and enlightenment. This reflects a more proactive approach to education, mentorship, and leadership – one that is dynamic, flowing, and inclusive.

These teachings add a rich layer to the Western understanding, suggesting that the keys to wisdom are not to be held and gate kept, but are meant to be actively shared for the greater good. In doing this, the one who shares becomes the conduit for a new and beautiful future to reveal itself.

And yet, despite their ability to survive in harsh conditions, otters are often seen frolicking and playing. This encourages us to remember that at the heart of survival and innovation, lies the need for joy, play, and social bonds.

Natural Guidance

The impact of these contrasting weather patterns is deeply felt in the natural world. Animals, both large and small, show us just how well they have evolved to adapt during this season.

Body Astrology

  • The Fascial Network

    Imagine a spider's web, delicate yet strong, connecting everything with silken threads. This is your fascial network, an unseen hero of the human body, and a true Aquarian marvel. It's there to keep things in place; but it's also a living, breathing communication system. When you stretch, it stretches; when you move, it sings along, transmitting messages faster than any text. In the Aquarian world, the fascia is like Wi-Fi, invisible but indispensable for keeping our body's conversation going.

  • Acupuncture Meridians and Chakras

    These channels of energy in the body from Eastern Medicine Traditions are the highways and cities of energy that Aquarius also governs. Like a cosmic GPS, they guide life force, or 'Qi', through our bodies, ensuring every nook and cranny is buzzing with life. These pathways are this season’s playground, where energy flows freely, keeping us vibrant and alive against all odds.

  • The Ankles and Calves

    The ankles and calves symbolize our ability to stand firm while moving forward, reminding us of the importance of a stable support system in order to build for the future. They represent the balance between maintaining stability and embracing progress – a theme deeply resonant with Aquarius's visionary, but fixed nature.

    To support these areas, consider incorporating exercises that strengthen and provide flexibility to your lower legs, like calf raises or gentle stretching routines. Yoga poses such as 'Downward Dog' can be great for the Aquarian body and to support yourself during this season. Also making sure you have supportive footwear can make a significant difference, especially in a season that might call for more activity and mobility.

  • The Circulatory System

    Aquarius's rulership also extends to the circulatory system in conjunction with its sister sign Leo, highlighting themes of connection and flow, much like the sign's focus on community and the sharing of ideas. This system, responsible for the flow of blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout the body, symbolizes how interconnectedness and circulation of new ideas are vital for a healthy community and personal well-being.

    Supporting your circulatory system can involve doing things that boost blood flow, like regular exercise, especially cardiovascular workouts. Foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, like berries and fatty fish, can also support heart health. Staying hydrated is crucial too, as water is essential for optimal blood flow and the usually dry Aquarian body.

Recipes for Aquarius Herbs and Foods

Recipe: Pine Needle Tea

  • Steep a handful of washed pine needles in hot water for 10 minutes.

  • Strain and enjoy this refreshing, immune-boosting tea.

A Cautionary Note: Not all Pine is edible, and some can be extremely toxic. Pine needles from pine trees in the family Pinaceae are generally safe for consumption.

On a deeper, more soulful level, Kava Kava opens the gates to a more reflective state of mind. Its calming influence helps ease anxiety and fosters a sense of open-mindedness. For this season, and any time marked by introspection and the exploration of new ideas, Kava can be a perfect companion. It helps us venture into 'alien territory' in our thoughts – to think outside the box and embrace the unconventional.

Recipe: Kava Kava Tea

  • Mix 1-2 teaspoons of kava kava root powder in a cup of warm water.

  • Let it steep, strain, and drink to relax and unwind.

A Cautionary Note: While Kava Kava is celebrated for its benefits, it's important to use it responsibly. Overuse or improper preparation can lead to health issues, particularly affecting the liver.

Recipe: Warm Cacao Drink

  • Gently heat a cup of milk (or a dairy-free alternative)

  • whisk in a tablespoon of raw cacao powder, a teaspoon of honey or maple syrup, and a pinch of cinnamon.

Recipe: Oatstraw Infusion

  • Steep a quarter cup of dried oatstraw in a quart of boiling water for 1.5 hours.

  • Strain and sip throughout the day for a soothing effect.

Jasmine's fragrance, which is both calming and uplifting, is known to have a direct impact on the body's systems. It helps regulate heart rate, breathing patterns, and blood pressure, promoting physical relaxation. In moments of self-doubt or uncertainty, which often accompany transformative phases, Jasmine serves as a reminder of beauty and positivity.

Recipe: Jasmine Tea

  • Infuse jasmine flowers in hot water for 5 minutes.

  • Add honey if desired and enjoy this fragrant, mood-lifting tea.


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