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Saturn in Pisces 2023-2025: Giving Form to the Formless

Imagine trying to build a castle on the shifting sands of the shore; this is the challenge and the promise of a Saturn in Pisces transit.

Spiritual Discipline and Maturation

This period essentially asks us to grow up, to take responsibility for our spiritual health just as we do for our physical or emotional wellness. This means recognizing that spiritual growth is a continual process, one that requires humility, patience, and the understanding that there will always be more to learn and ways to deepen our connection to the divine. We are not broken and in need of fixing, we are on the forever journey of evolution.

In fact, one of Saturn’s great lessons is that time is not linear, nor is our growth process. Like swirling, spiraling fibonacci sequences, we are on the ever long journey of meeting ourselves again and again, deeper and deeper.

Sensitivity as Strength

Think of our ancestors, ancient sailors who relied on the dreamy stories of the stars to guide them through open and unknown waters. In much the same way, our sensitivity, our ability to empathize and feel allows us to tune into the subtle cues of our environment and our inner emotional states, giving us special info about our relationships, our creative projects, and our body.

Saturn’s influence in Pisces doesn’t want to dampen this sensitivity, but to provide a safe and structured place within which it can be expressed. This is the practice of setting boundaries—not to act as barriers against connection, but as safeguards that can then allow for deep, empathetic engagement, without losing oneself in the process.

Breaking Cycles of Addiciton

Exposing Illusions

The reimagining of our creative landscape also involves a critical examination of how we measure success in the world of religion, creativity, and celebrity.

Saturn in Pisces asks us to celebrate and strive for achievements that are rooted in genuine talent, hard work, and the courage to share our true voice, no matter what the mainstream is into or social media metrics demand. This is a great time for recognizing the artists and leaders who, in the quiet corners of the world, create beauty and meaning, often without widespread recognition, but with a profound impact on those who encounter their work.

Redefining Service to the Spiritual

Overall, we’re tasked with seeing the sacred in the ordinary, whether that's finding moments of mindfulness in a cup of tea or recognizing the spiritual act of helping a neighbor. We could all stand to become more attuned to the natural religion of the ordinary.

Transcending Form and Reality

Prometheus's act was not just an act of aggression or rebellion; it was a creation of new possibilities, transforming the entire human existence. Similarly, Saturn in Pisces asks us to sort of embrace our inner Prometheus by reaching beyond the familiar and comfortable, to question the "impossible."

We are reminded in this cycle that limits on our dreams only serve those who wish to see us fail. Instead, proper planning and attention to detail can help us bring the impossible to life. We learn that, ultimately, creating the impossible is an act of courage. It's a commitment to not only dream of new worlds, but also to take the first steps into uncertainty, to bring those worlds into being. Think about over these next few years, how you can hold space for the impossible within your current reality.

Navigating Uncertainty

This lesson is about allowing life to unfold at its own pace, trusting that the next step will become clear when the time is right. This doesn't mean passivity but rather an active engagement with the present moment, an openness to the lessons and opportunities that arise, even when they don't fit what we thought would happen.


Key Transit Dates

  • March 7th, 2023: Saturn enters Pisces

  • June 17th, 2023: 1st Saturn Retrograde

  • June 29th, 2024: 2nd Saturn Retrograde

  • May 24th , 2025 Saturn exits Pisces

Saturn Return: A Cosmic Rite of Passage

A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn returns to the same position it occupied at the time of your birth, so if you have your Saturn in Pisces on your natal chart then big news! You have entered your Saturn Return as of March 2023!

Depending on the natal house placement of your Saturn, and its aspects, each experience will have a unique impact, so its best to chat with an astrologer for deeper insight! Below is a brief overview of the kinds of themes and challenges that may arise according to the house of your natal Saturn in Pisces.

1st House: A time of self-reflection and redefining your identity and personal goals.

2nd House: A focus on financial stability, reassessing your values, and developing self-worth.

3rd House: Emphasizing communication, learning, and cultivating stronger sibling and community connections.

4th House: A period of family dynamics, home life, and nurturing your emotional foundation.

5th House: Exploring creativity, love affairs, and discovering your authentic self-expression.

6th House: Focusing on health, work, and service to others, fostering self-discipline and routine.

7th House: Emphasizing partnerships, commitments, and balancing your own needs with others'.

8th House: A transformative phase, delving into deeper emotional and psychological realms.

9th House: Expanding your belief systems, pursuing higher education, and exploring spirituality.

10th House: Career focus, reevaluating ambitions, and establishing long-term goals.

11th House: Prioritizing friendships, group associations, and finding your place in a larger community.

12th House: Exploring spirituality, releasing old patterns, and connecting with the collective consciousness.


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