Tea Blends and Rituals for the Full Moon
The full moon represents a moment of heightened energy, where the emotional, instinctual nature of our body is illuminated by the conscious light of the sun.
This illumination occurs when the moon and the sun are in opposing signs, so the energy of this can be one of great tension and release.
The moon is closely tied to our emotional world, our instincts, and our inner self—the part of us that feels deeply and seeks comfort.
The sun, by contrast, symbolizes our outer expression, our will, and how we assert ourselves in the world.
When these two oppose each other, there’s a pull between the inner and outer realms, a dialogue between our feelings and our actions, our private and public selves.
Tea rituals can allow you to slow down, become present, and really connect with this push and pull, offering a way to bring harmony between the sometimes conflicting energies.
We like to begin our full moon rituals with the Season of Winter, a time of inner reflection and deep self care.
1. Cancer Full Moon (Capricorn Season)
Moon’s Energy: Nurturing, emotional depth, home, family.
Sun’s Energy: Structure, responsibility, ambition
Herbs: Focus on digestive support and emotional comfort.
Chamomile (Cancer): Soothes emotions and aids digestion.
Licorice root (Capricorn): Grounds energy and supports adrenal health.
Blend: Chamomile, licorice root, and a hint of lemon balm for emotional clarity.
Ritual: Create a comforting tea altar.
Before drinking your tea, prepare a cozy space with a small altar dedicated to emotional nurturing and protection. Place symbols of home, family, or water (like a bowl of water or seashells) on your altar. As you sip the tea, meditate on what "home" means to you and what emotional security you need to establish in your life. Whisper a personal intention for emotional balance with each sip, calling in the energies of Cancer for nurturing and Capricorn for structure.
2. Leo Full Moon (Aquarius Season)
Moon’s Energy: Creativity, heart-centered expression, confidence.
Sun’s Energy: Innovation, community, intellectual expansion
Herbs: Focus on the heart and circulation.
Hawthorn (Leo): Supports the heart and emotional courage.
Nettle (Aquarius): Nourishes and promotes resilience.
Blend: Hawthorn berries, nettle, and rose petals for heart-healing and vibrant expression.
Ritual: Heart activation meditation.
Before drinking your tea, sit in a comfortable space and place your hands over your heart. As you sip your tea, visualize the warmth of the tea spreading from your heart center outwards, igniting your inner fire and courage. With each sip, focus on embracing your creativity and self-expression. Write down a creative intention or project idea you’ve been afraid to pursue and read it aloud as you finish your tea.
3. Virgo Full Moon (Pisces Season)
Moon’s Energy: Practicality, health, organization, discernment.
Sun’s Energy: Spirituality, intuition, compassion.
Herbs: Focus on digestive health and emotional balance.
Peppermint (Virgo): Aids digestion and clears the mind.
Lavender (Pisces): Calms the nervous system and nurtures sensitivity.
Blend: Peppermint, lavender, and fennel for grounded clarity and emotional calm.
Ritual: Cleansing and organizing your space.
Before your tea, take a few moments to tidy up or cleanse your space, symbolizing the clarity and organization Virgo brings. As you sip your tea, breathe deeply and reflect on areas in your life that need more attention to detail. Close your eyes and mentally organize your thoughts, bringing order to emotional clutter. As the tea calms your mind, write down a small, manageable step you can take to bring more structure to your daily routine.
4. Libra Full Moon (Aries Season)
Moon’s Energy: Balance, relationships, justice, beauty.
Sun’s Energy: Independence, action, leadership.
Herbs: Focus on the kidneys and balance in body fluids.
Dandelion root (Libra): Supports the kidneys and detoxification.
Ginger (Aries): Stimulates energy and circulation.
Blend: Dandelion root, ginger, and hibiscus for a balance of calm and warmth.
Ritual: Balance breathwork.
Sit in a quiet place and breathe deeply in and out, focusing on equal inhales and exhales to create balance in your breath. Before drinking your tea, take a moment to visualize harmony in your relationships. As you sip, mentally go through your close connections, thanking them for the balance and lessons they bring to your life. Light a candle to represent Libra's harmonious energy, and hold a crystal (like rose quartz) to amplify feelings of love and balance.
5. Scorpio Full Moon (Taurus Season)
Moon’s Energy: Transformation, intensity, emotional depth, healing.
Sun’s Energy: Stability, comfort, material pleasure.
Herbs: Focus on the reproductive system and emotional transformation.
Shatavari (Scorpio): Supports reproductive health and nurtures transformation.
Oatstraw (Taurus): Grounds and soothes the nervous system.
Blend: Shatavari, oatstraw, and cinnamon for deep emotional support and nourishment.
Ritual: Deep emotional journaling.
As you prepare and sip your tea, create a sacred space by dimming the lights or lighting candles to reflect Scorpio’s mysterious energy. With each sip, ask yourself deep questions: "What parts of me need transformation? What old emotional patterns am I ready to release?" Afterward, journal honestly about your emotional state, embracing the raw truths that arise. Hold space for yourself as Scorpio guides you through emotional rebirth.
6. Sagittarius Full Moon (Gemini Season)
Moon’s Energy: Adventure, exploration, wisdom, optimism.
Sun’s Energy: Communication, learning, curiosity
Herbs: Focus on the liver and expansive thinking.
Milk thistle (Sagittarius): Supports liver health and detoxification.
Lemon verbena (Gemini): Enhances mental clarity and uplifts the mood.
Blend: Milk thistle, lemon verbena, and mint for clarity and adventure.
Ritual: Moonlit adventure and intention setting.
For this ritual, take your tea outside (if possible) under the full moon. As you sip, focus on the expansive energy of Sagittarius. Write down or speak aloud a new adventure, goal, or experience you wish to call into your life. After drinking your tea, go for a short moonlit walk, allowing yourself to explore your surroundings with curiosity and open-mindedness, symbolizing the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius.
7. Capricorn Full Moon (Cancer Season)
Moon’s Energy: Responsibility, discipline, structure, ambition.
Sun’s Energy: Nurturing, emotional depth, family
Herbs: Focus on the bones and adrenal health.
Nettle (Capricorn): Supports bones and nourishes the body.
Motherwort (Cancer): Soothes the heart and emotional body.
Blend: Nettle, motherwort, and chamomile for grounding and emotional care.
Ritual: Grounding body scan meditation.
Sip your tea slowly while doing a grounding body scan meditation. Starting from your toes, mentally scan each part of your body, connecting with Capricorn’s earthy energy. With each sip, feel yourself becoming more anchored and rooted. After finishing the tea, set an intention for how you can take a step toward a long-term goal. Write it down, and place the note somewhere you will see it often to remind yourself of your dedication and discipline.
8. Aquarius Full Moon (Leo Season)
Moon’s Energy: Innovation, community, independence.
Sun’s Energy: Heart, creativity, leadership
Herbs: Focus on circulation and mental clarity.
Gingko biloba (Aquarius): Enhances cognitive function and circulation.
Hawthorn (Leo): Supports heart health and emotional strength.
Blend: Gingko biloba, hawthorn, and lemon balm for mental sharpness and emotional warmth.
Ritual: Manifesting community intentions.
As you sip your tea, reflect on the ways you contribute to your community and how you can uplift others. Aquarius energy is about collective consciousness. Write down a vision of the world or community you want to create, focusing on innovation and equality. Consider sharing this ritual with friends or online communities by inviting others to join in their intentions. With each sip, imagine the future world you want to manifest
9. Pisces Full Moon (Virgo Season)
Moon’s Energy: Spirituality, dreams, compassion, intuition.
Sun’s Energy: Health, organization, practicality
Herbs: Focus on the nervous system and relaxation.
Skullcap (Pisces): Calms the mind and nurtures the spirit.
Peppermint (Virgo): Refreshes and clears mental clutter.
Blend: Skullcap, peppermint, and passionflower for dreamy relaxation and clarity.
Ritual: Dreamwork and visualization.
Create a sacred dream space before drinking your tea. Light incense or diffuse essential oils (like lavender) and prepare a dream journal to place by your bed. As you sip, focus on the fluid energy of Pisces, visualizing yourself flowing through life with ease and intuition. Write down any intentions for spiritual growth or dreams you'd like to explore that night. Place the journal under your pillow, and ask for guidance through your dreams.
10. Aries Full Moon (Libra Season)
Moon’s Energy: Action, leadership, independence.
Sun’s Energy: Balance, relationships, justice
Herbs: Focus on the blood and energy circulation.
Cayenne (Aries): Stimulates circulation and energizes.
Linden (Libra): Soothes and balances tension.
Blend: Cayenne, linden, and hibiscus for an invigorating yet balancing tea.
Ritual: Fire energy and intention ignition.
As you drink your tea, meditate on your inner fire and where you need to take bold action. Aries is a sign of initiation, so after sipping, write down a brave step or action you’ve been delaying. Light a small fire-safe candle, and as you finish your tea, burn the paper with your intention written on it (safely). Visualize your intentions being ignited by the Aries fire energy, fueling your courage to take the next steps.
11. Taurus Full Moon (Scorpio Season)
Moon’s Energy: Stability, sensuality, material comfort.
Sun’s Energy: Transformation, emotional depth, healing
Herbs: Focus on grounding and emotional resilience.
Oatstraw (Taurus): Calms and grounds.
Shatavari (Scorpio): Supports deep emotional transformation.
Blend: Oatstraw, shatavari, and rose petals for nurturing comfort and healing.
Ritual: Sensory grounding and indulgence.
During your tea ritual, focus on fully engaging your senses—notice the smell, warmth, and taste of the tea. Allow Taurus’ energy of indulgence and comfort to wash over you. As you sip, practice gratitude for the physical comforts in your life. After the tea, take a moment to treat yourself with a small act of luxury, whether it’s enjoying a favorite treat or engaging in a self-care ritual that indulges the body.
12. Gemini Full Moon (Sagittarius Season)
Moon’s Energy: Communication, adaptability, learning.
Sun’s Energy: Adventure, wisdom, optimism
Herbs: Focus on the lungs and mental clarity.
Thyme (Gemini): Supports lung health and mental sharpness.
Milk thistle (Sagittarius): Cleanses and detoxifies the body.
Blend: Thyme, milk thistle, and lemongrass for clear communication and adventure.
Ritual: Communication intention-setting.
As you drink your tea, focus on opening your throat chakra and improving communication. Speak aloud or write in a journal any thoughts or messages you need to express. Gemini’s energy is about connecting ideas and communicating clearly, so allow this ritual to focus on refining your voice. Consider using this tea ritual before an important conversation or to set intentions for new ways of expressing yourself.
Please consult your healthcare provider or an herbalist before introducing new herbs to your diet.