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Sagittarius Season: Mind Expanding Adventure

Sagittarius, ruled by the benevolent Jupiter and the element of Fire, is the storyteller, the philosopher, and the explorer of the zodiac. He urges us to take our deeply mined Scorpio insights and turn them into physical journeys of discovery.

A Season for Storytelling

Like the others, Sagittarius season is not without its challenges. In our travels, we might have to confront where we have tendencies toward dogmatism, where our beliefs have become unyielding, or where we display the most arrogance, stemming from a belief that our perspective is the only valid one. This season teaches us to be mindful of how we express and handle what it is we believe as truth, making sure that our desire to find the truth doesn't blind us to the realities of others.

This time might also stir a desire for freedom, sometimes showing up as an unwillingness to commit or take on responsibility. It’s a period to reflect on what freedom truly means to us – is it the total absence of constraints, or is it the ability to choose within the safety of boundaries? Sagittarius season challenges us to find freedom not by escaping our responsibilities, but by understanding and reshaping them to help us become who we want to be.

The weather patterns of this time can be all over the place. This season is often characterized by its duality as the higher expression of Gemini, with a blend of the last, gentle whispers of fall and the early, crisp inklings of winter. In many places, this looks like sudden weather changes, from mild and sunny days to abrupt chilly and snowy ones. This unpredictability reflects the mutable nature of this sign, asking us to rely on our past experience to be more adaptable and flexible for the incoming change to Winter.

This version of the myth underscores the Sagittarian traits of innovation, love for arts (inspired by the Muses), and the adventurous spirit. The Archer's upward-pointing arrow symbolizes the desire to reach beyond the known, to explore philosophical and literal horizons, and our desires to seek the answers to life's biggest questions.

Sagittarius and the Body

Mobility, Flexibility, and the Processing of Nutrients and Toxins

  • Liver: Just as Sagittarians are known for their zest for life and exploration, the liver plays a crucial role in filtering out toxins and managing the nutrients we gain from our worldly indulgences. This connection highlights the importance of liver health for Sagittarians, especially in a season that might include a fair share of feasting and celebration.

Tips for the Season

  1. Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Embrace activities that strengthen and stretch the hips and thighs. This could be anything from a morning yoga routine to an evening walk.

  2. Focus on Liver Health: Incorporate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Consider herbal supplements or teas known for supporting liver function.

  3. Mind Your Posture: Especially important for those who sit for extended periods. Taking breaks to stretch can make a big difference.

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