Mercury: Connecting Information
Mercury is named for the messenger God.
He is the patron of travelers, merchants, and even thieves, embodying the qualities of quick thinking, adaptability, and effective communication.
In fact, he is often shown with winged sandals, a symbol of his speed and mobility.
His influence is seen in our communication style, thought processes, and even the way we navigate or get around.
In the body, this looks like our nervous system, lungs, and speech, reflecting the messenger’s association with the flow of ideas and the breath that carries our words.
Overall, this planet teaches us about versatile movement in the body, mirroring Mercury's swift orbit around the sun.
Mercury and the Body
At its core, Mercury's influence mirrors the workings of our nervous system, the ultimate messenger network of the human body.
Just as it sends, carries, and receives information, our nervous system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body, orchestrating responses that guide our thoughts, feelings, and movements.
You can think of Mercury's energy as acting very much like the electrical impulses darting through neurons, teaching us the importance of listening to our bodies and tuning into our mental health.
Mercury also extends to our breath.
Just like the exchange of ideas and information, our respiratory system enables the essential exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, a process that keeps us alive and energized.
In this light, Mercury reminds us of the power of breath as a tool for connection—not just within our physical bodies but as a bridge to mindfulness and present-moment awareness.
Mercury Herbs and Foods
Cooling, Stimulating, Astringent
Mercury is gender fluid and its herbs are too, meaning they have a balance of masculine and feminine actions.
They are often characterized as energetically fluid, rapidly influencing the nervous system and effecting mental or mood changes.
These herbs help us with our logic, clarity in communication, and finding success in our pursuits of the mind.
Mercurian Herbs and Foods
Coriander: Aids digestion and mental clarity, resonating with Mercury's influence on intellect and communication.
Dill: Supports digestion and mental focus, reflecting Mercury's role in clear communication and thought.
Ginseng: This root can combat mental fatigue, enhance memory, and improve our overall mental performance.
Peppermint: The cooling and refreshing actions of peppermint can clear the fog that clouds our thoughts. In fact, studies reveal that compounds like menthol in peppermint can stimulate brain activity and improve accuracy and attention span.
Gotu Kola: Legend has it that elephants, known for their extraordinary memory, have a fondness for consuming Gotu Kola leaves. Following their lead, people believe that the herb can also give you an enduring and strong memory, even well into old age. Its active compounds, known as triterpenoids, are believed to promote neuron growth and protect brain cells from oxidative stress.
Fennel: Known for its digestive properties and ability to enhance mental clarity, aligning with Mercury's influence over intellect and communication.
Almonds: Boost brain health and support memory, resonating with Mercury's association with the mind and communication.
Echinacea: Boosts the immune system and enhances mental clarity, fitting Mercury's influence on health and cognitive functions.
Apples: Symbolize knowledge and have properties that support brain health, fitting Mercury's connection to intellect.
Lettuce: Known for calming the nerves and aiding mental clarity, which aligns with Mercury's influence on the nervous system.
When to Work with Mercurian Herbs
Gemini Season (May 21 - June 20)
It is during this time that Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, is at its celestial peak.
Working with Mercurian herbs during Gemini season can amplify their effects, enhancing mental clarity, eloquence, and adaptability.
Virgo Season (August 23 - September 22)
Governed by Mercury, this sign brings forth meticulousness, analytical prowess, and a thirst for knowledge.
During Virgo season, working with Mercurian herbs can enhance your attention to detail, stimulate precise thinking, and support practical problem-solving.
Mercury Retrograde
While Mercury retrograde is often associated with communication challenges and technological glitches, it also presents an opportunity to dive deeper into introspection and self-reflection.
During these periods, it can be beneficial to work with Mercurian herbs to enhance inner clarity, review past decisions, and foster a deeper understanding of oneself.
Use this time for introspective practices, meditation, and recalibrating your mental abilities.
Mercury Transits Through Gemini and Virgo
When Mercury transits through its ruling signs of Gemini and Virgo, its influence is heightened.
This period offers a potent opportunity to align with Mercurian energies and work with the corresponding herbs.
It's a great time for enhancing communication skills, learning new subjects, engaging in intellectual pursuits, and improving mental acuity.
Remember, individual astrological charts can vary, and it is essential to consider your specific birth chart and the placement of Mercury to fully harness its energies. Consulting with a skilled astrologer can provide personalized insights into your unique astrological makeup and guide you on the most auspicious times for working with Mercurian herbs.