Saturn and Uranus: Solidifying and Creating Beyond our Limits
This same duality plays out in the human body, specifically in areas associated with Aquarius as it is ruled by these two planets.
Think of the nervous system and circulation.
Saturn’s influence reminds us of the importance of routines that support long-term health, like maintaining consistent sleep patterns or a balanced diet, while Uranus encourages us to pay attention to the flow of energy, staying flexible and adaptable to change.
Saturn’s Herbs and Foods
Herbs and foods associated with Saturn often have grounding, tonifying, and mineralizing effects on the body. They are often drying, astringent, and strengthening, particularly focusing on hardening structures like bones, tissues, and skin.
Rich in minerals like iron and calcium, nettle supports the bones and strengthens the blood.
Known as “bone-knit,” comfrey aids in healing bones and tissues.
Dark leafy greens
Kale, collard greens, and spinach provide vital minerals to support Saturn’s rule over bones and joints.
Sesame seeds
High in calcium and supportive for bone density, they also nourish the spleen, associated with Saturn.
Uranus’s Herbs and Foods
Uranus’s energy is quick, erratic, and stimulating, which is reflected in its associated herbs and foods.
These tend to be stimulating, electrifying, and energizing, acting on the nervous system and circulation. Uranus herbs often disperse, activate, and electrify the body’s energy, promoting rapid shifts and changes.
Gingko biloba
Known for enhancing circulation and supporting cognitive function, it is ideal for the nervous system and brain.
Gotu kola
A rejuvenative herb that strengthens the mind and improves circulation, aligning with Uranus’s revolutionary energy.
These antioxidant-rich berries enhance cognitive function and support nerve health, mirroring Uranus’s connection to clarity and insight.
Dark Chocolate
Contains flavonoids that enhance blood flow to the brain and support mental clarity and focus.
Beets improve blood flow, helping to support Uranus’s link to circulation and sudden shifts of energy.
Blue Vervain
Soothes nervous tension and overstimulation, especially in cases of nervous irritability or spasms.