The Moon of the Spirit’s Wisdom: Pisces

The Pisces full moon, happening usually during Virgo season at the end of August or early September, marks a potent time of reflection, healing, and release.

Pisces encourages us to dive deep into our inner worlds, accessing dreams, intuition, and the mystical parts of ourselves that are often hidden beyond our understanding, in the realm of feeling.

This energy contrasts with Virgo’s grounded, analytical nature, creating a delicate balance between the ethereal and the practical, the emotional and the logical.

This is a great time to embrace the flow of what we know by feeling and sensing in our soul, while finding ways to bring that wisdom into the tangible world.

The Abundance of the Earth

This emotional journey is all happening against the backdrop of the slow shift from the lushness of summer to the preparation for autumn’s harvest.

Nature begins its quiet transition; crops ripen, the days shorten, and there’s an invitation to gather what is useful, while releasing what hasn’t come to fruit.

Just as the plants and animals instinctively prepare for a new season, we too are called to tend to both our physical and spiritual health, letting go of emotional and mental clutter that may have accumulated over the past months.

This moon also asks us specifically to consider the themes of surrender and compassion. In this lunation, there is a calling to soften into the present moment and let go of our need to control outcomes. Virgo season can often bring us a deep desire for order, structure, and perfection, but Pisces teaches that true wisdom comes from allowing things to unfold naturally.

Treat this like an opportunity to reflect on the areas in your life where you're holding on too tightly and where a more compassionate, fluid approach might serve you better. This full moon encourages deep emotional healing and forgiveness — for others and ourselves. It’s a time to honor both our boundaries and our need for connection, finding ways to create harmony between the two.

Healthy Mind and Body

Virgo season has us focused on our digestive system, especially the small intestine, which plays a critical role in sorting and discerning what the body needs versus what it must eliminate. This mirrors the emotional work of discerning which feelings and thoughts to hold on to and which to let go. The Pisces full moon heightens sensitivity, maybe more than any other moon, making it an important time to nourish the nervous system as well, as Pisces rules the feet and is connected to our subconscious mind and emotional undercurrents. If our inner world feels chaotic or ungrounded, this can show up in physical symptoms like digestive issues, fatigue, or feelings of overwhelm.

Here are some of our favorite herbs to consider during this full moon:

  1. Peppermint – Great for calming the digestive system, reducing bloating, and providing cooling relief when the body feels overheated by stress or emotional tension. You can drink it as a tea or infuse fresh leaves in water for a cooling, digestive-supportive tonic.

  2. Fennel – Fennel seeds or tea can aid in digestion, relieving gas, and supporting the body in assimilating nutrients more efficiently. Chew a few seeds after meals or make a tea by steeping them in hot water.

  3. Lemon Balm – This herb is a gentle, calming ally for the nervous system. It soothes stress, helps relieve anxiety, and promotes restful sleep, making it perfect for Pisces’ dreamlike energy. Drink it as a tea or use a few drops of lemon balm tincture before bed to calm the mind.

  4. Chamomile – Chamomile helps to relax both the mind and body, making it ideal for moments of emotional overwhelm. It also supports digestion, especially when stress affects the stomach. Chamomile tea in the evening can be a soothing way to wind down and reconnect with your inner self.



The Moon of Collective Power: Aquarius


The Moon of Interdependence: Aries