The Moon of the Heart: Leo

The full moon in Leo, occurs in Aquarius season around late January to February, a time when the natural world is deep in winter’s grip.

This full moon represents a key moment of hope in the middle of winter, bringing warmth and awakening our inner fire in the cold stillness of the season.

As the sun shines at its lowest point through the constellation of Aquarius, a sign of intellect, innovation, and community, the full moon in Leo stands in contrast, urging us to reconnect with the heart, with passion, and with the self.

Finding Hope in Storm Season

During this time, the environment outside may appear barren and dormant, but beneath the surface, there is a quiet transformation taking place.

The energy of Aquarius season encourages us to look beyond the obvious and to find new ways of seeing, while Leo asks us to remain centered in who we are at the core.

This moon brings us the spiritual lesson of balance between the mind and the heart, between individuality and the collective, and between detachment and vulnerability.

As we journey through the cold, Aquarius helps us think clearly, plan, and prepare for the future, but Leo reminds us that without heart, warmth, and creativity, our endeavors can feel empty.

The Body and The Moon

Leo governs the heart and the circulatory system, while Aquarius rules over the nervous system and the lower legs. In this season, it is important to care for the heart, both physically and emotionally, as the cold of winter can constrict circulation and create stagnation in the body. Herbs and foods that bring warmth, promote circulation, and nourish the heart are especially helpful.

Emotionally, this time can bring up issues around self-expression, pride, and vulnerability. Leo’s energy is about being seen, heard, and validated, while Aquarius challenges us to step back and observe without attachment. This dynamic can stir up feelings of loneliness, a desire for recognition, or even conflict between personal desires and the needs of the community. To help we can work with herbs like:

  • Hawthorn: Strengthens circulation, supports heart health, and opens the emotional heart, helping to foster connection with passion and emotional balance.

  • Ginger: Provides warmth to the body, promotes circulation, and helps move stagnant energy, particularly beneficial during cold winter months.

  • Cinnamon: Warms the body, aids in blood flow, and helps to relieve cold-induced stagnation in the circulatory system.

  • Rose: Associated with love and the heart, rose helps balance emotions, encourages self-compassion, and nurtures warmth in relationships.

  • Lavender: Calms the nervous system, soothes anxiety, and brings emotional balance, making it helpful for easing tension and nervousness during this period.

  • Lemon Balm: Eases stress, calms the mind, and provides emotional grounding, supporting the balance between Leo's passion and Aquarius's detached wisdom.



The Moon of the Tides: Cancer


The Moon of the Maiden: Virgo