Vanilla Berry Whipped Honey
2 cups raw honey
1 tablespoon dried hibiscus petals
1 tablespoon dried rose petals
1 tablespoon dried rose hips
1/2 cup dried cherries
1/2 cup dried strawberries
1 vanilla bean (split and scraped)
1 cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon dried alfalfa
In a clean, dry glass jar, add the hibiscus petals, rose petals, rose hips, cherries, strawberries, vanilla bean (both the seeds and the pod), cinnamon stick, and alfalfa.
Pour the raw honey over the dried ingredients, ensuring all the botanicals are fully submerged in the honey.
Stir gently to mix the ingredients.
Seal the jar tightly with the lid.
Store the jar in a cool, dark place for 6 weeks. Every few days, gently turn the jar upside down and back to ensure the ingredients mix well with the honey. Do not shake vigorously.
After 6 weeks, strain the honey through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer to remove the botanicals.
Let the honey drip naturally through the strainer to ensure you get as much of the infused honey as possible. You can press gently with a spoon to extract more honey.
Once strained, transfer the honey to a mixing bowl.
Using a whisk or electric mixer, whip the honey for about 20-30 minutes until it becomes creamy and light in texture.
If you prefer a thicker consistency, continue whipping for a few more minutes until you reach the desired texture.
Transfer the whipped honey to a clean glass jar.
Store the whipped honey in a cool, dry place or refrigerate if you prefer a firmer texture