Seasonal Recipes for Your Body’s Cycles
"Food connects us all. It is a part of the Universal Experience.”

Sparkling Pomegranate Elixir
This fruit is more than just a healthy snack but a symbol of transition, a metaphor for the human soul, and a mystical portal to other worlds. Great for the transitions of Scorpio season!

Iced Peach Tea
This skin-loving elixir combines antioxidants, vitamins, and natural moisturizers, offering a delightful way to promote hydrated, radiant, and revitalized skin.
Heart Opener Oxymel
This traditional herbal remedy combines the heart-loving properties of mulberry, lemon, rose, rose hips, hawthorn berries, and honey to create a sweet and tangy elixir that elevates your heart health and helps you embrace a sense of connection with nature.