Seasonal Recipes for Your Body’s Cycles
"Food connects us all. It is a part of the Universal Experience.”

Blue Lotus Chai
The blue lotus has soothing properties to help stress relief, while the medley of ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper in the chai blend gently stimulates circulation and warms you from within. Perfect for Winter!

Pine Needle Tea
You may be surprised to learn that pine needles are not only amazing sources of vitamin C and antioxidants for your immune system, but also taste just like candy!

Herbal Immune and Blood Boosting Syrup
Enjoy this syrup as a tonic to embrace the energy of winter roots and berries.

Sparkling Pomegranate Elixir
This fruit is more than just a healthy snack but a symbol of transition, a metaphor for the human soul, and a mystical portal to other worlds. Great for the transitions of Scorpio season!

Iced Peach Tea
This skin-loving elixir combines antioxidants, vitamins, and natural moisturizers, offering a delightful way to promote hydrated, radiant, and revitalized skin.

Okra Water Mint Lemonade
From promoting digestion and heart health to managing blood sugar levels and soothing inflammation, this natural elixir has a lot to offer and is super easy to make.

Blue Lotus Dream Tea
By combining the mystical properties of Mugwort and Blue Lotus, you open yourself to a realm where imagination and reality intertwine, where the boundaries of the physical world dissolve, and the universe whispers its secrets.

Emotional Stress Relieving Tea
Newly blooming flowers are a great companion to our body and emotions in spring, mirroring the energy bursting forth. But instead of just looking at them in bouquets and the garden, bring their healing power inside through the power of tea.